
  • Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Genevieve Liveley

    Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Genevieve Liveley

    Continuing our blog series, ‘Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows,’ the Jean Golding Institute have been speaking to several of the the thirty University of Bristol Alan Turing Institute Fellows in order to find out a bit more about their work and research interests. You can take a look at our last interview with Levi John Wolf, Lecturer in Quantitative Human…

  • Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Levi John Wolf

    Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Levi John Wolf

    In our blog series ‘Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows’, we have been finding out more about the thirty academics at the University of Bristol who have recently become Alan Turing Institute Fellows through a series of interviews.  You can find the first blog of our series, featuring Iván Palomares Carrascosa, as well as an interview with Paul Wilcox…

  • New partnership with LV General Insurance advances data science capabilities

    We are delighted to announce that the University of Bristol and LV= General Insurance (LV= GI), one of the UK’s largest personal insurers, will be embarking on a new partnership with the aim of working together to make advancements in the field of data science by sharing knowledge, skills and opportunities. As part of the…

  • Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Paul Wilcox

    As a part of our blog series ‘Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows’, the Jean Golding Institute (JGI) have been interviewing several of the academics at the University of Bristol who have recently become Alan Turing Institute Fellows.  Check out the first blog of our series, featuring Iván Palomares Carrascosa and his work with the Decision Support and Recommender…

  • International Women’s Day: the Changemakers Initiative

    As part of the celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday 8 March 2019, the Jean Golding Institute will be launching a new blog series interviewing the people behind the Changemakers initiative – bringing hands-on STEM activities to young women. In the first of this series, Data Scientist Elena Hensinger has given us an insight…

  • University of Bristol New Centres for Doctoral Training: Guy Nason, Director of COMPASS CDT

    On 4 February 2019, the University of Bristol announced that it had been awarded funding for nine Centres for Doctoral Training from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), a record boost of over £50 million to train the next generation of highly-skilled researchers across the University. For more information about the announcement and…

  • Introducing the University of Bristol’s Turing Fellows: Iván Palomares Carrascosa

    In our latest blog series, the JGI will be interviewing some of the academics at the University of Bristol who have recently become The Alan Turing Institute Fellows. In the first of this series, Turing Fellow Iván Palomares Carrascosa has given us an overview of his exciting work with the Decision Support and Recommender Systems…

  • Introducing: The Turing Way

    The Turing Way is a handbook to support students, their supervisors, funders and journal editors in ensuring that reproducible data science is “too easy not to do”. It will include training material on version control, analysis testing, and open and transparent communication with future users, and build on Turing Institute case studies and workshops. It…

  • Spotlight on Data: ‘One in a Million: A study of primary care consultations’

    In the Spotlight on Data blog posts, the JGI interviews the owners of datasets available on the University of Bristol’s data.bris platform. We want to showcase the great research that goes on at the University and help bring people’s attention to datasets which could be reused in new and exciting ways. If you missed it,…